When purchasing your steaks, specially grilling steaks, quality does matter.
We sell C.A.B. (Certified Angus Beef). This certification lets you know that the beef we sell is of the top 30 percent of all U.S.D.A Choice Beef. It is excellent beef marbled and aged to perfection.
Higher-quality cuts go like this: At the top of the steak realm in price and tenderness, start with filet mignon or beef tenderloin. These steaks are incredibly tender but lack flavor by themselves. You’ll find these in high-end restaurants, and they are usually always served with some sauce or butter. Béarnaise sauce is my favorite with this steak.
Next, we will consider the loin meat: T-bone steaks, rib steaks and New Yorks. T-bones are the best of both worlds. They’re a New York and a filet separated by a bone shaped like a T. When this steak has a large filet, it’s called a porterhouse. These are usually large steaks, 1.5 pounds typically, and could easily serve two people or one real carnivore.
Then we have the New York steak, also called a strip steak or top loin steak in some markets. This is one of my favorites. It’s great for one person as it’s usually not too large, but it has all the qualities a great grilled steak should have: tender, just enough marbling, and boneless.
We then have a rib steak and loin meat: with incredible marbling. Called many names, a rib steak refers to the bone-in version and a rib-eye refers to the boneless version. If you cook this as a roast, it’s the prime rib. This steak is hard to beat. It’s tender when cooked correctly, flavorful when it has the right amount of marbling and a delicious choice for Dad.
The last one I’ll discuss is the top sirloin steak. On the West Coast, we cut them boneless. East of the Mississippi, they typically cut this steak with the bone in. This is of good quality with less marbling and can be a large piece cooked for many.
I recommend cooking all of these grill steaks with high heat at the beginning and finishing off with a lower heat.
High heat, or searing, creates flavors through a Maillard reaction. This process in which high heat, 300-500 degrees, when applied to protein and the sugars present, creates browning and enhances a wonderful meaty flavor. Grilling, broiling, or pan-frying works great for any of these.
seasoning (dry rub) for any steak, a simple combination of common ingredients that provide incredible flavor.
Steak Dry Rub
1 tablespoon garlic salt
1 tablespoon onion salt
1 tablespoon celery salt
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon brown sugar
1/2 teaspoon chili powder
1/2 teaspoon ground thyme
1/4 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
Mix ingredients together. Store in an airtight container. It’s great on all kinds of meat, or try it on grilled potatoes, hash browns, or grilled vegetables.
Steak preparation couldn’t be simpler. Season both sides of a good quality steak with the dry rub, and cook. Dry rubs don’t need to sit for any time at all to flavor the meat. Just season and cook.
My suggestion for the perfect steak is always medium rare, but all of these steaks can be served to your liking.
Internal temperatures
Rare = 125-130 degrees.
Medium rare = 130-135 degrees
Medium = 140-145 degrees
Well done = 160 degrees and higher